Yesterday, beneath the cold winter sun
I forgot your name
There was a time when I knew it
When I spoke it in joy
When the words “great” and “legend”
Shimmered around it
Yesterday, there were different words
And your name was forgotten
Before you were born
On days beneath the warm summer sun
We would stand
One foot touching ground
The other strapped in with our hopes
To pedals poised
And waiting for the flag to drop
As the crowd flashed by
With our gathering speed
Your name was an unborn dream
That one day, a native of our soil
Would glide beneath the Arch
Arms raised high
That our flag would wave above you
As the first to wear the Yellow
Since our fathers were young
Now, the crowds are silent
Still pictures of glory undone
History, lifted from the pages
And scattered to the winter winds
— January 20, 2013